The Hill has Something to Say

New Video Sampler for “It is She Who I See”



A new video sampler of the November 15, 2012 performance of It is She Who I See is now available. Projection Designer Jim Peitzman organized a two-camera shoot for that performance, and for the performance on November 18. This video sampler incorporates the wide view camera only, which provides substantially better video quality than the previously offered documentation video sampler. The audio for this sampler is also significantly improved, based on higher quality audio recording than was available using only the audio on the documentation video camera. Video material that incorporates the close camera views as well will become available soon as well.

Scenes included in this series of excerpts include:

  • The Hill has Something to Say
  • On the Hill
  • Gentle Rain
  • Beauty Is…
  • On the Hill 2
  • Alice: Key
  • SHE Is…


Craig R Harris, Artistic Director

music by Craig R Harris
"On the Hill" music by Shape: Craig R Harris, Viv Corringham & Steve Goldstein
"The Hill has Something to Say" - poem by Rita Dove

Viv Corringham            Vocalist, On the Hill
Randall Davidson         Cello, SHE
Tim Donahue               Creative Audio Mixing and Sound Processing
Steve Goldstein           Electronics, On the Hill
Mike Grogan               Lighting Design
Paul Herwig               Performer and Artistic Collaborator
Merilee Klemp             English Horn, Alice (Threshold)
Candy Kuehn               Image and Costume Design
Norah Long                Soprano, The Hill has Something to Say
Kym Longhi                Project Midwife
Jim Peitzman              Projection Design
Tim Wilkins               Production Manager
Zeitgeist                 New Music Ensemble, Alice (Threshold)

“The Hill Has Something to Say” from Museum: Poems by Rita Dove, Carnegie Mellon University Press, Pittsburgh, PA. © 1992 by Rita Dove. Reprinted by permission of the author

(c) 2012