Two Movements for Piano



“Still” from Craig Harris' Two Movements for Piano © 2015 Interference Arts
“Still” from Craig Harris’ Two Movements for Piano © 2015 Interference Arts
“Gentle Rain” from Craig Harris' Two Movements for Piano © 2015 Interference Arts
“Gentle Rain” from Craig Harris’ Two Movements for Piano © 2015 Interference Arts

Two Movements for piano is comprised of “Still” and “Gentle Rain”, compositions for solo piano created by Craig Harris. They originated as movements composed for Harris’ Suite for Cello and Piano, and were re-envisioned to be performed by solo piano.

The Suite for Cello and Piano premiered in 2012 as part of the program for Harris’ multimedia performance work “It is SHE Who I See” in 2012 at the Ritz Theatre in Minneapolis, MN. These piano versions were written in 2015, and have been performed in several concerts, most recently as part of Harris’ Unthether solo keyboard concert series at Homewood Studios in North Minneapolis (2019).      


Craig Harris performs the music for this recording Two Movements for Piano on his vintage 1898 Steinway B grand piano. The soundtracks are available for download in mp3 format (great for general music listening), or in wav format (high resolution listening and public presentation).

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Two Movements for Piano

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