SenseAbility Opens September 29

SenseAbility Opens September 29

SenseAbility opens at Open Eye Figure Theatre this Friday September 29, and we’re excited to share this work with you. This post includes links to an article about the show in American Jewish World, a profile about Craig Harris and the artistic catalysts for his work and this show, and information about tickets and parking. I hope you’ll be able to join us for the show!

Open Eye Figure Theatre Presents Craig Harris’ “SenseAbility”

Open Eye Figure Theatre Presents Craig Harris’ “SenseAbility”

Open Eye Figure Theatre presents Craig Harris’ latest multimedia dramatic work – “SenseAbility” – to the Open Eye stage September 29, 30 and October 1, 2017. “SenseAbility” explores how our personal experiences and cultural narratives help us navigate our ongoing struggle to make the world a better place.

This weekend: Off-Leash Area’s show “Dancing on the Belly of the Beast”

This weekend: Off-Leash Area’s show “Dancing on the Belly of the Beast”

Off-Leash Area’s latest main stage show “Dancing on the Belly of the Beast” appears this weekend at the Ritz Theater in Minneapolis, and I’m honored to have been collaborating on this production. I wrote the music, and will perform live at the show. This has been an intense and probing experience for all of us, one that truly honors the depth and significance of the enormous transition into adult orphanhood. I hope you’ll take this opportunity to join us for the show.

"AfterWind" by Off-Leash Area.

The Explosive Shock

In this post I share my reaction to the current political and social situation in the form of two “narrative soundscapes” from my soundscape created for the dance theater company Off-Leash Area’s show “AfterWind”. “Present – Death Anxiety” depicts the character Death Anxiety in present time, illustrating how authoritarian figures play upon our fears to gain power and control over us. “Coming To” reflects how I will feel from the explosive shock if Donald Trump wins the presidency on November 8.

The Perfect is the Enemy of the Good

The Perfect is the Enemy of the Good

This post considers the aphorism “The Perfect is the Enemy of the Good”, as I strive to be better about sharing my work with others. This is the beginning of providing information about my recent show “Elijah in the Wadi”, and also highlights my collaboration with the dance theater company Off Leash Area. I am writing and producing music for their upcoming show “Afterwind”.