Here is a collection of selected music compositions offered through the Interference Arts Music Store.

The following works are available for download as individual tracks in mp3 format (great for general music listening), or in wav format (high resolution listening and public presentation). Excerpts from each movement are available below.

ImageNameDescription & Audio PreviewPriceBuy
The Hill has Something to Say

The Hill has Something to Say, Craig Harris’ composition based on a poem by Rita Dove.

Two Movements for Piano

Still and Gentle Rain – from Two Movements for Piano by Craig Harris.

Gentle Rain


Music Box Variations II

Music Box Variations II 



The Hill has Something to Say

“The Hill has Something to Say” is a composition by Craig Harris, based on a poem by renowned poet Rita Dove. The poem expresses the depth and meaning of all that has unfolded through time on the hill, and reinforces the thread that holds all time together in us. This work was commissioned for soprano Renée Fleming, and premiered in 2000 at Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center, with Richard Bado on piano, on a concert of live American composers.

“The Hill has Something to Say” was written for Soprano, Piano and Amphora. The amphora sound is a full-bodied, breathy, resonant, pure blown bottle tone, like the whistling of the wind surrounding and embracing the hill, heard as if one could quiet the outside world and internal turmoil long enough to really listen to its ebb and flow. The sound originates in long blown bottle tones, thrust into an ever moving, ever breathing exchange with the piano, over which the voice finds expression in the poetic circumspection of life as viewed through the lens of this slowed state of being. The composition can also be performed by Soprano and Piano alone.

This recording features Norah Long as soprano, with Craig Harris on piano.

Purchase The Hill has Something to Say now.

Two Movements for Piano

Two Movements for piano is comprised of “Still” and “Gentle Rain”, compositions for solo piano created by Craig Harris. They originated as movements composed for Harris’ Suite for Cello and Piano, and were re-envisioned to be performed by solo piano. Craig Harris plays piano in these recordings.

The Suite for Cello and Piano premiered in 2012 as part of the program for Harris’ multimedia performance work “It is SHE Who I See” in 2012 at the Ritz Theatre in Minneapolis, MN. These piano versions were written in 2015, and have been performed in several concerts, including at Harris’ Unthether solo keyboard concert series at Homewood Studios in North Minneapolis (2019)

Purchase Two Movements for Piano now.

Music Box Variations II

Music Box Variations is a series of compositions originally created for Untether 3, Craig Harris’ third solo keyboard concerts presented at Homewood Studios in Minneapolis, MN on September 10, 2019. Music Box Variations II was developed for and performed at Untether 4, the fourth concert in the series.

Music Box Variations incorporates sampled sounds from a music box, mapping parts of the music box onto a sampling keyboard to explore the sonic material in live performance – sometimes individual tones and short melodic fragments; sometimes longer phrases. Music box sounds are integrated into an instrument that includes sampled piano resonance tones, and an electronic piano sound to form the foundation for an improvised theme and variations.

Music Box Variations II is a new improvisation using the same instrument developed for the original Music Box VariationsMusic Box Variations II  is a free improvisation, untethered from the focus on the original music box theme.

Purchase Music Box Variations II now.

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Copyright by Interference Arts
All rights of the producer and of the owner of the work reproduced reserved.
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