Gender Imbalance on the international arena – a profile of Robin Chandler
With this post I am pleased to bring attention to important work on gender imbalance taking place in the international arena with a profile of Robin Chandler.
Profile: Robin M. Chandler
I met Robin Chandler on a trip to the Boston area a few months ago, and I am fortunate to be in touch with her periodically. Robin Chandler is an artist, poet, writer and educator fiercely devoted to issues of global citizenship, gender equality and global peace. As a scholar, she lectures, teaches, and publishes on applied interdisciplinary research, the arts, multimedia and IT applications, and Hip Hop. Since 1993, she has promoted The Peace Doors Project as director, hoping to install a peace monument in nine countries, establish a peace trust bursary, and develop a peace education curriculum globally. She is the author of Amazing Grace: An African American Sojourn in South Africa, chronicling her work, travel, and research there. Robin, a Fulbright scholar and NEA grant recipient, is a member of the IAAeC (The Institute for African American e-Culture), a group of computer scientists, social scientists, physicists and educators devoted to expanding research on the digital divide and IT access for African Americans.
Her blogs GLOBAL CITIZENship and The People’s Sociologist have a wealth of information and insights that are worthy of attention by all of us. In one of her recent posts (Gender Alarm: The Unstoppable Voices of girls and women) she says that “gender equality is the only sure path to global peace, but it is proving to be a rocky and threatening road.” It is through this connection that I learned about UN Women – the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women.
I’m inspired by Robin’s work, and am energized by attention and direct actions that she and her cohorts bring to issues of gender imbalance as a critical factor in establishing a more healthy and sustainable world.