It is She Who I See Performance – Hole
This is a an image from “THRESHOLD: Hole” from a documentation recording of the performance of It is She Who I See at the Ritz theater on November 17, 2012.
This is a an image from “THRESHOLD: Hole” from a documentation recording of the performance of It is She Who I See at the Ritz theater on November 17, 2012.
This is a an image from “SHE – Gentle Rain” from a documentation recording of the performance of It is She Who I See at the Ritz theater on November 17, 2012.
Here are some video excerpts from archive recording from performance of “It is She Who I See” at the Ritz Theater on November 12, 2012.
This is a view from “The Hill has Something to Say” from the documentation of the performance of It is She Who I See.
It was an amazing opening night. Thanks to my collaborators! And we’re thrilled with a very positive review in “How Was The Show?”.
Gender imbalance is evident in the American theatre. An article in American Theatre Magazine clearly documents this condition, and a recent article in the journal Howlround highlights specific actions being taken by the LA Playwrights Initiative to address this situation.
With this post I am pleased to bring attention to important work on gender imbalance taking place in the international arena with a profile of Robin Chandler.
This is what Candy says about Sandra as Kali/Tree of Life, another SHE image created for the show “It is She Who I See.”
In this post I continue to probe the issue of gender imbalance – to ask questions and seek answers; to provide some insights into how this topic infuses the show “It is She Who I See;” and to clarify how this relates to the mission of Interference Arts.